Monday, April 16, 2012

Fame or Celebrity, What's the Significant difference?

It does not matter just how much research you should do, there is not a good way on how to become a famous. First of all one should not confuse fame with celebrity. Although very similar, they are by no means the same thing. Conversely, neither are they mutually exclusive. One can be famous, but relatively anonymous. However, someone could be a celebrity without necessarily being famous. If you wish to know about tips on how to become famous one or other you need to try and differentiate between the two, and after that decide which it is you desire to be.

The dictionary meaning of fame is, being well known, much spoken about and having a favorable public reputation. There are famous people in all walks of life, Abraham Lincoln in politics, Brunel in engineering and also Pasteur in medicine, the list is endless. There are also local people who, although not known nationally or internationally, are renowned in their local community. Yet another factor to add into the equation is, that you can be as, if not more, famous once they have died, than once they lived. There is little or no chance of being a celebrity after you have gone to a better place. Just how does one achieve such approbative status? As previously mentioned, this can be attained in many walks of life. It is not only a question for being the best, but much more of scaling new heights. The first men just to walk on the moon are chronicled from the history books, but who can name the 5th or tenth? Various doctors undertake heart transplants today, but only Christian Barnard is universally remembered because he was the pioneer.

The most popular usage of the term "celebrity" today isn't the same as it once was. Formally it had much the same meaning as fame, but today it is a completely different story. Every evictee of the Big Brother house, or reject from one talent show or another, has their brief moment in the spotlight of publicity and, for a little while at least, become the favorite in the media as well as the paparazzi. If Andy Warhol was today to promote his philosophy that everyone could have 15 minutes of world fame, it is more likely he would have used the term Celebrity, to enhance effect.

If it really is your desire regarding how do I become famous then you'll need to set your goals more than just winning a television program, or perhaps the lottery. Being the next person to be a world champion certainly doesn't guarantee you that status. You should consider what can you pioneer. The 1st person, who finds a cure for cancer or HIV, will most likely go down in the annals of history.